Efficient Incremental and Asynchronous Non-Dominated Sorting for Evolutionary Multiobjective Algorithms
Thesis supervisor Co-supervisor / Scientific advisorOfficial reviewers
Semenkin Eugene S.
doctor of engineering
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology;, professor
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Bessmertny Igor A.
Doctor of Science, professor
ITMO University, professor
Bogachev Mikhail I.
doctor of engineering, associate professor
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", associate professor
Kholodova Svetlana E.
Doctor of Science, associate professor
ITMO University, associate professor
Kudryashov Boris D.
Doctor of Science, professor
ITMO University, professor
Lisitsyna Liubov S.
Doctor of Science, professor
ITMO University, professor
Parfenov Vladimir G.
Doctor of Science, professor
ITMO University, professor
Senichenkov Yuri B.
doctor of engineering, associate professor
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, professor
Sergeev Mikhail B.
doctor of engineering, professor
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI), head of department
Shalyto Anatoly A.
Doctor of Science, professor
ITMO University, Professor