Pulsed 946 nm Nd: YAG laser
Thesis supervisor Co-supervisor / Scientific advisorOfficial reviewers
Gornushkin Gornushkin B.
BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, senior scientist
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Belikov Andrey V.
Doctor of Science, professor
ITMO University, Professor
Boreysho Anatoly S.
doctor of engineering, professor
BALTIC STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY «VOENMEH» named after D.F. Ustinov, head of department
Egorov Anton Y.
doctor of physics and mathematics
Alferov University, Vice rector for research
Iakovlev Evgenii B.
doctor of physics and mathematics, professor
ITMO University, professor
Kolodeznyi Evgenii S.
ITMO University, Associate Professor
Romanov Alexei E.
Doctor of Science, professor
ITMO University, Professor
Sokolovskii Grigorii S.
doctor of physics and mathematics, professor
Ioffe Institute, chief scientific officer - head of the laboratory
Venediktov Vladimir Y.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI” named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin), Chief Researcher, Professor of the Department