Heat exchange during evaporation of refrigerants in a confined space
Thesis supervisor Co-supervisor / Scientific advisorOfficial reviewers
Pecherkin Nikolay Ivanovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading researcher
Seryakov Arkady Vladimirovich
Members of the Academic Degree Council
Baranov Alexander Y.
doctor of engineering, professor
KRION, head of department
Baranov Igor V.
Doctor of Science, professor
ITMO University, Head
Fedorov Alexander V.
Doctor of Science
ITMO University, associate professor
Korablev V. A.
PhD, Senior Researcher
ITMO University, Associate Professor
Mityakov Vladimir Y.
doctor of engineering, professor
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, professor
Pilipenko Nikolay V.
Doctor of Science, professor
ITMO University, Associate Professor
Rykov Vladimir A.
doctor of engineering, professor
ITMO University, associate professor
Sapozhnikov Sergey Z.
doctor of engineering, professor
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, head of departmen
Tsvetkov Oleg B.
doctor of engineering, professor
ITMO University, associate professor